Starting with aknowledgements! Special Thanks to /u/JamesMusicus for his class and race creation templates and /u/Stolksdorf for their homebrewing tool at /homebrew. | 124 | Appendix A: Machinist Items List | | 114 | **Chapter 3: Spells & Appendix** | | 82 | Paladin Archetype: Oath of the Sultansworn | | 42 | Bard Archetype: College of the Skysinger | # Note: These classes and races have been balanced for and are intended for use with the 5th Edition of Dungeons and Dragons. Soren (Sorenson Asgard on the Gilgamesh Server) Thank you to everyone who has helped along the way.

Its been a long road, thank you for walking it with me.

# A love letter to D&D and Final Fantasy XIV. A Companion Guidebook for use alongside the Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition Player's Handbook to bring Final Fantasy XIV to your table